Month: January 2014

My Inspiration

“There are people in our lives that inspire us. Perhaps it’s for their leadership skills or for making it through a hard time. Who, in your life, inspires you? What is it about them that make them an inspiration? Do you inspire others? If so, how?” IMG_3503
World leaders, athletes and celebrities are millions of peoples inspirations but for me my own flesh and blood is what drives me to be better than I was yesterday. My parents are my inspirations…Both have instilled values in me that I will neverforget. My parents have always shown me what it means to work hard for the things you want out of life. I wsa blessed to be born to amazing parents who gave me a great life. They inspire me to be a strong woman and always remind me to stay focused on my future and everything else will fall into place. Am I inpireation to someone else? In my opinion I can’t be someones else’s inspiration until I am at the top of my game, but I know young people are watching me. I have a 16 year old sister that I know looks up to me. I know that I’m her role model…Inspiration probally not but I know I’m her role model. I make sure I set good examples for her and always talk to her about things that I go through so she learns from my mistakes and never makes them.

Superpower Comments

Megan Twist
“One of my favorite super powers of all time is Time travel, I’d love to go back in time to historical events and get a firsthand view on how the world was like before we got here. I also picked time travel to help myself and others fix problems that some people have always regretted or take chances that were passed up in the past.”
Quina Deas
“I never thought of mind control when I was thinking of powers, but that’s so interesting. Having the ability to control minds would be great but after a while I feel it may get boring not having a challenge.”

Crème de la crème of superpowers

Week 1: “You’ve grown up with superhero cartoons and movies. If you could have super powers, which superhero power(s) would you want to have? Why did you choose those?”
We’ve all grown up watching movies and cartoons where our favorite characters have the ability to do mind blowing things. Walking through walls, teleportion skills, flying, super strength…as children and even into adult hood we wish we had some of these powers making life easier.
If I had the opportunity to have superpowers I’d want the ability to time travel and teleport.
Time travel would be my very first choice for a superpower because you can do some much with it. Thinking about time travel in it’s most basic form I’d love to be sitting in my most boring class and fast forwarding to the end and being able to look down at my notes and not missed a thing…but in a broader since I’d love to be able to time travel to meet family members that passed before me, go back in history to experience first hand something of the things we are only able to learn about from being in a classroom. Time travel would mainly be my first choice because I’d have the ability to fix wrongs that I have personally made and also helped others in the world fix theirs.
Secondly, growing up and watching movies like Jumper where they can teleport from place to place would be absolutely amazing. Just imagine getting out of work on a Friday, exhausted and worn out from the week. Walk out the door and as soon as you step out you’re teleporting over to Cabo or the Bahamas for the weekend. It would be absolutely heaven for me personally being able to teleport because I love to go home and Gwinnett is not a quick thirty minute drive from the boro. Just the same with loving your powers come big responsibilities, always have to be aware of the consequences…but with time travel I can always fix those.

Blog Topics

~Where do you see you self in ten years, looking at all aspects of your life from career, family and personal goals?

~If social media fell off the face of the earth, bye-bye Instagram, Twitter and Facebook; how difficult would it be for people in the PR field to be at the top of their game?